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 Nova espécie: Drosera amazonica 
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Registrado em: 02.01.2006(Seg)21:02
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Localização: Jaraguá do Sul - SC - Brasil
Fala Fernando,

não tinha visto as imagens dela em cultivo, eu também 'chutaria'
(com menor grau de acerto que vocês, claro) algo como uma D. felix
Caso a 'facilidade' seja a mesma da D. felix não é assim tão fácil :roll:

Um abraço.


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Registrado em: 11.08.2007(Sáb)14:23
Mensagens: 414
Localização: Manaus / AM
Muito linda, parabens Fernando um grande achado!
Legal saber que existem droseras pela amazonia, qualquer dia me taco novamente pelos matos daq :lol:
Você pode me passar uma copia do artigo por email?

Obrigado, parabens novamente


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Registrado em: 01.02.2006(Qua)7:40
Mensagens: 2913
Localização: San Francisco, California, USA
Muito obrigado Ricardo e Daniel! ;)

Daniel, acabo de te enviar o artigo. Me avise caso não chegue.

Abs, Fernando

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Registrado em: 12.08.2007(Dom)16:07
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Localização: Rio de Janeiro - RJ / Além Paraíba - MG
Parabéns Fernando!

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Registrado em: 01.02.2006(Qua)7:40
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Localização: San Francisco, California, USA
Mensagem 15 min de fama p/ PC brasileira!!!
Olá pessoal,

A WWF acaba de publicar um relatório sobre biodiversidade e as ~1200 novas espécies descobertas na Amazônia nos últimos 10 anos. Entre as espécies destacadas está... minha querida Drosera amazonica!!

Vejam o relatório neste link, com direito a fotos minhas:

http://www.worldwildlife.org/what/where ... m18397.pdf

E eis o trecho onde fala de D.amazonica


The Amazon sundew, a discovery 10 years in the making

Particularly significant, owing to its unusual location and its sheer abundance, was the discovery of the Amazon sundew (Drosera amazonica) officially described by scientists in 200917. This plant species is red and yellow, and grows to just 10cm tall. Because the species is found on white quartz sand savannas, which are seasonally flooded, the soil is highly acidic and extremely poor in nutrients. To supplement the poor mineral nutrition that these species can derive from the soil, they lure, capture and digest insects using glandular tentacles topped with sticky secretions, and exude a sweet perfume.

After 10 years of searching for the elusive plant, in 2006 Dr Fernando Rivadavia found two extensive populations roughly 500m apart in the Parque Estadual do Rio Negro Setor Sul, a protected area relatively safe from deforestation. The two populations were located on opposite sides of a small tributary of the Cuieiras river, which empties into the Rio Negro in Amazonas state. Here, in natural clearings in the rainforest consisting of savannah vegetation and wet-sandy habitats, the new Drosera was encountered growing by the “millions”. Another population of the species was discovered around 450km north of this area in the Viruá National Park, in the central part of Roraima state.

This find is particularly significant as very few Drosera species are found in the lowlands of Brazil. Those that have been recorded occur in sandy coastal habitats. Very few have been discovered inland, as Drosera amazonica was.


Devido à importância da WWF, q é a maior organização mundial pela preservação de biodiversidade (e tbm uma das mais antigas, antes de ONG virar moda -- ou populistas/ demagógicas/ políticas como o Greenpeace...), este relatório esta pipocando por todos os lados, inclusive num tal de "Kazakhstan Business Forum" - não lembro de ter sido entrevistado pelo Borat! Hahaha!

Anyway, vejam abaixo a notícia q saiu no The Guardian, com direito até a uma citação minha (q nem lembro quando fiz nem pra quem...):


http://www.utopia.de/nachrichten-aus-de ... s-found-in

The Guardian, UK
More than 1,200 new species found in the Amazon in past decade
26. Oktober 2010 12:12

WWF report says a new species was discovered every three days from 1999-2009, from bald parrots to translucent frogs• In pictures: New Amazon speciesBrightly coloured tarantulas that propel excrement at enemies one metre away, translucent "glass frogs" with skin so thin you can watch their hearts beat, blind ants that date back 120m years, and tiny predatory flowers that lure insects to their death with a murderous fragrance are among more than 1,200 species that have been discovered in the Amazon over the past 10 years.A new report by WWF highlights the need for greater efforts to conserve the world's greatest treasure trove of biodiversity. The South American rainforest, which covers an area one and a half times bigger than the European Union, is being threatened by loggers, ranchers, palm oil plantations, soy farms and climate change.The report was presented at the United Nations biodiversity meeting in Nagoya, Japan, where delegates focussed today on ways to channel about $4bn to help developing nations save forests. Several delegations reported progress in this and other areas, breathing life into the negotiations that are supposed to end Friday with a new global pact to preserve wildlife and natural habitats.During the last 50 years, at least 17% of the forest – an area twice the size of Spain – has been lost to human activities, damaging globally important ecological services such as carbon storage, climate stabilisation and the protection of countless species, the WWF says.From 1999 to 2009, the report says a new species was discovered every three days. The list includes "Beni" (Eunectes beniensis), the first new anaconda species identified since 1936 which is 4m long and can eat jaguars; a "vermicelli tree" that grows a tangle of yellow noodle-like tendrils; a tiny blind subterranean catfish and a bald parrot whose body is so spectacularly coloured that scientists are astonished it was not discovered before."This report clearly shows the incredible diversity of life in the Amazon," said Francisco Ruiz, who heads WWF's work in the region. "It also serves as a reminder of how much we still have to learn about this unique region, and what we could lose if we don't change the way we think about development."The discoveries clearly thrilled many of the scientists involved in compiling the report. Fernando Rivadavia found the Amazon sundew (Drosera amazonica), which secures nutrition on the arid white quartz savannas by digesting insects that are attracted by its sweet perfume and then trapped on its sticky glandular tentacles."Pleased hardly describes how ecstatic I felt when I finally discovered this plant after 10 years of searching for it," he said. As well as the new forms of piranha, monkey and purple tarantula, countless other newly discovered insects and plants were not listed in the report and many more species are expected to be found in the years ahead.WWF says all of the species are threatened by deforestation and agricultural expansion. The organisation is working with regional government to protect wildlife and their habitat. It says that 17% of the newly protected areas in the world are in the Amazon, which is home to 30 million people including several isolated indigenous groups.Ahmed Djoghlaf, executive secretary of the United Nations Convention for Biological Diversity said he hoped that similar projects could be established to identify and protect species in other big forests. "This Amazon plan of action is a pioneer. We will now see how we can do the same for Congo, Borneo and elsewhere," he said.Brazil claimed today to lead the world in establishing reserves, having increased protected areas to cover 14.9 per cent of the country's land, up from 8 per cent in 2006. Deforestation continues but the rate has slowed to its lowest level in 21 years.However, Braulio Dias, secretary of biology and forests in the Brazilian government, said his country would not sign up in Nagoya to a UN target of halting species loss worldwide by 2020 because it was not feasible.Rather than the Amazon, he said the main challenge was conversion of savanna to agriculture. With this likely to continue, he said a more realistic target was to reduce biodiversity loss to at least 50 per cent and, where feasible, zero.Such a compromise is likely to be opposed by the EU and many conservation groups, which say more ambitious goals are essential to halt the alarming decline of non-human life on earth.


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Registrado em: 06.06.2008(Sex)17:26
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Localização: Camocim-CE
Olá Fernando Parabéns pela sua D.amazonica,acho que vc deve tá cansado de tantos parabéns tanto dos Brazucas como dos Gringos :) ,desde quando soube que vc mora nos EUA, tive vontade de ti fazer uma pergunta,e aproveitando que vc ta feliz com sua descoberta ser publicada,acho a hora certa de fazer essa pergunta num tópico,para quer os outros membros saibam,pergunta fácil :

--o que levou vc ir morar nos EUA ?
Namoro (casamento) ? :D
Trabalho ? (biologo)
Trabalho ? (FBI) hahahahahahah
Fama ? :D
Todos ?
ou nenhum.

Desculpa minha curiosidade .

ABS Edirlessandro.

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Registrado em: 01.02.2006(Qua)7:40
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Localização: San Francisco, California, USA
Sem problemas, hehehe! Eu trabalho numa empresa de biotecnologia há 11 anos cuja sede é aqui em SF. Após 8 anos trabalhando no Brasil, vi uma oportunidade legal de trabalhar aqui e senti necessidade de uma mudança. Mas confesso q sinto muuuuuitas saudades das minhas frequentes expedições em busca de PCs nos weekends quando viajava a trabalho no Brasil...


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Registrado em: 06.06.2008(Sex)17:26
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Localização: Camocim-CE
Legal , muito bom juntar o últil ao agradável,obrigado por responder a nossa coriosidade.

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Registrado em: 09.09.2010(Qui)5:35
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Localização: Sobral- CE
Mensagem congratulations
Parabéns!!! Fernando e a todos que contribuíram com esse grande achado,que nós enriquece, com mais esse novo exemplar aumentando ainda mais nossa biodiversidade, tão ameaçada, e enriquecendo coleções de todos aqueles que cultivam e preservam essa incrível espécie.

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Registrado em: 14.07.2007(Sáb)12:35
Mensagens: 1186
Localização: Igrejinha, RS, Brasil
Parabéns pela descoberta, deve ser muito legal descobrir uma nova espécie, tanto tempo se passou desde o seu surgimento e só você notou que ela era diferente, uma pena só ser cultivada na Europa, a planta é nossa mas ninguém aqui tem, não que eu tenha gabarito para cultiva-la, mas outros tem.

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